Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The End Is Comming

Is the end near? Is the end really going to be 12/23/12?? Does it really matter?
Anyone can read the Bible or Revelations and see how the world we know is going to end in total anilation at the end. People are so obsesed with how the Earth began and how the Earth will end. But come on think about it. When did the Earth begin? Is that really the main point or just small insignificant part of the story?
Remember Adam? He was created on the 6th day of creation. He was a fully grown man and yet on the 7th day he was only 1 day old. Knowing that I think we can assume that God made the earth fully grown as well.
So when did the Earth begin, it doesn't matter other than it began.
When will it end? Now that is a better question! Will it be like the movies? Did the Myans get it right with the calender? Are the Aliens coming? PLEEEZE! What is the big picture here? If I die today does it matter if the world ends tomorrow? Does it matter if the world gets to be around like it is for another 5 years? 10 years? 10,000 years? Not really, because as for me I have met the end of MY WORLD. My world as I know it is over. There are no more do overs for me. All my choices have been made and I can't change my mind.
This is why Jesus says to live life today for tomorrow will wory about itself. I can't worry if the world is going to end in 2012 I have to be concerned that my life may end now. If you knew that your world was going to be over in 24, 12, 6 or 1 hour how would you live? Would you spend it watching your favorate TV show? Taking a nap? or spend it in prayer and reading the Bible? There are so many posablities to the choices we might make, but everyday we wake that choice is laid out before us.
Should we all quit our jobs, shrugg of our responsabilites? No we are not. If it is time to go to work, clean the house, do my chores, take the kids out then I should do it to the best of my ability because in the next few minutes it may be my time to meet my maker and then the real question is brought forth.
Am I ready? Have I really loved the LORD with ALL my heart in every situation. Have I lived my life in a way that points others to HIM. Have I brought Glory to HIS name by following HIM and haveing a relationship with HIM, the ONE true GOD, My Father in Heaven. Have I treated HIM in reverence as HE deserves, did I share my love of HIM with others by my actions and words. Did others see HIM in me or did they just see me? These are the questions that we need to know the answers too. These are the things that matter, because the end is comming for us all.