Sunday, November 7, 2010

Words? Thoughts? You mean they matter?

If you will, think about the relationship between a parent and a child. The parent cares, loves and provides for their child. They want the best for their child. They try and guide their child down life’s paths that lead to prosperity. Now imagine that while the child is still young, let’s say about 6 or 7 years old, and someone they have seen but not gotten to know well tells them that their parent doesn’t really love them. They didn’t really want what was best for them. They are keeping something from them. How terrible we would think that person was. But how horrifying would it be if for no real reason other than that person had said those lies that the child believed it.  That is what Satan does to us. He creeps into our lives and whispers lies just like that into our hearts. And he doesn’t always focus on our relationship with God. Many times he speaks to us about our spouses, our parents, our co-workers and friends. Sometimes he even takes aim against fellow church members. He is more conniving and deceiving than we give him credit.
Oh not me he doesn’t speak to me. He can’t get me to do that. Let me remind you of two children that lived a long, long time ago. Their names were Adam and Eve. They were God’s first children. He created them and breathed life into them. They were his babies. He walked with them every day. Talked with them and answered any questions they might have had. He wanted the best for them and he knew how to make it happen.
Now my family hears me say all the time that what we choose to say is important. Those words are extremely powerful. If you have ever been skeptical to that pay close attention to this next part. At this point in Adam and Eve’s life they are still young children just like that 6 or 7 year old earlier. Satan comes into the garden and SAYS. He speaks. He uses words. He says ‘did God really say you would die if you ate of that tree?’ With one question, a few statements from Satan and he had convinced Adam and Eve that God didn’t love them, he didn’t care for them truly and he didn’t want the best for them. So how powerful can words be? How good is Satan at deception?
We don’t mind hearing about angels watching over us keeping us safe or running around proclaiming the good news. But when it comes to talking about Satan we usually shy away. We don’t want to go there. We don’t want to believe that true evil is not just out there but sitting next to us. Could that urge to say a smart retort be our need to be ‘cute’ or ‘smart’ or could it be that we haven’t put on the full armor of God? That Satan has found a crack in our vase? Our minds are the battlefields where Satan has waged war. If we are not reading and putting God’s word in our minds and hearts we are not properly clothed in God’s armor. We are not prepared for the daily battles with Satan.
As the children song goes: Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little hands what you do, be careful little feet where you go, be careful little heart whom you trust.
It doesn’t get much simpler than that. What you see you become, what you hear you believe, what you do you are, where you go you dwell and whom you trust you follow.  What we put into our body, mind and soul needs to be weighed carefully. What we watch on TV, music we listen to, books we read and the list can go on and on. Now I am not advocating read this, or listen to that. I believe you must follow were God leads you not where someone else tells you to go or do.  I am saying as the Bible says ‘in all things glorify God Almighty.” Don’t allow Satan to have a stronghold on your life. Don’t allow Satan to come between you and your Heavenly Father like Adam and Eve did. Trust Him, he holds the future. He wants you to be happy and he wants to see you prosper too. Just as parents he only wants what is best for you. You can trust him. He will not forsake (forget) you or leave you. How do we know that? Satan might ask. Easy, cause the BIBLE tells me so. If I can believe that God loves me because the BIBLE tells me so I can believe that God keeps ALL his promises. So study his word, commit it to your mind so that you can have the armor of God on and defeat Satan and keep him from winning the battle for your mind.  Defeat Satan with God’s WORDS. Because Satan is more deceitful than we give him credit for and words are more powerful than we think.

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