Monday, April 5, 2010

Do you need A/C in the South?

Well I have been at work ALL day and hadn't had a chance to call home and check on my hubby and little ones. All day I have been burning up! I was running here then running there and then back to here. So I was SO glad to be heading home! To my wonderful abode, I pull into the drive hop out of my car and head to the porch with Mac and Abs at the door to great me...why is Mac in her undershirt? why is Abs hair wet? I open the door and I stepped inside...when did we become a dish to be cooked? My little ones had been baking like tater tots. The thermostat reader was maxed out. Apparently our A/C hasn't been working today, here in the deep South. Why would we need A/C right? OH! It isn't even summer yet and our house was at least 90 degrees inside. I changed my clothes, checked the breaker and the red button (I learned that my honey had been doing this ALL day) and quickly took the girls outside where it was SO nice! We swung on the swing set (in the dark). Chased each other (in the dark) and talked about the stars that we could see (yes in the dark). We decided it was time to brave the heat and hope that the A/C was now working. No luck. I grab a flashlight and Mac and we're off to go under the house to look at the unit. What did we find? Well we have enough ice to have a party. We head back inside, opened all the windows, turned the unit off and now we wait. Hopefully in the morning it will have thawed and it will work. If not it will be another Hot day for my girls and hubby and I will be thanking God that for once I am not the one that works from home:) Because you DO need A/C in the South.

1 comment:

  1. for real!!! Im used to it being 60 in the house to keep heating bills low! I want to know why we had two days of Spring before Summer started!!
